Savouring the Spirit of Ramadhaan
People are ‘creatures’ of habit. We all tend to have a daily routine revolving around the various responsibilities that weigh on our shoulders. Making breakfast for the kids… seeing them off to school… preparing lunch… attending to the domestic chores… and the list goes on. In general, we are all committed to our schedules, and many people have such hectic schedules that they never find any ‘me’ time to ‘redefine’ themselves or even just relax. Seeing this to be an ideal opportunity, many resorts and spas cater for this exact need – by providing getaways in which people can unwind, recharge and refocus. For those whose ‘me time’ involves losing weight, there are even ‘boot camps’ available. If someone needs some ‘me time’ to kick a dangerous drug-habit, there are a multitude of drug rehabs to be found. In short, all these facilities assist one to ‘cut off’ from their normal environment and routine so that they can focus on something important and precious to them.
However, in the ‘rat race’ of today’s fast-paced lifestyle, people find even less ‘me-and-Allah’ time. Hence, Allah Ta‘ala, in His infinite mercy, provided us with the month of Ramadhaan. From abstaining from food, drink and relations during the day to standing in salaah at night, every aspect of this blessed month is ‘custom designed’ to assist us to enjoy some ‘me-and-Allah’ time Savouring the Spirit of Ramadhaan so that we can cut off from our distractions and reconnect with our Creator.
The secret to making the most of this sacred month is for one to enter the month prepared – especially mentally – so that the moment the moon is sighted, we ‘hit the ground running’ (get off to a good start). In this regard, the aspect of having the correct mind-set and focus cannot be stressed and emphasized sufficiently. When a person’s focus is correct and they have a goal in mind, they not only make the most of the opportunity provided, but even enjoy it and take pleasure in it. Exercising is exhausting, yet certain people do it day after day and relish the activity and exertion. The reason? … They are focused on the end result and know that the effort is worth it.
In exactly the same way, by cultivating the correct focus, we will not only maximize on the month of Ramadhaan, but will even enjoy every moment of it. Standing in salaah, raising our hands in du‘aa at the time of iftaar, waking up for sehri and tahajjud – all these activities will take on a new meaning and will become beloved to us. We will discover a newfound pleasure and ‘sweetness’ in connecting with Allah Ta‘ala that will urge us to relish and cherish every second. This is called ‘Savouring the Spirit of Ramadhaan’. With the aim of aiding us to cultivate this spirit, various Ramadhaan articles posted on the Uswatul Muslimah website were collected in this book. We beg Allah Ta‘ala to accept this effort and assist us all to savour the spirit of Ramadhaan, aameen.